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Host an International Student

Illinois Lutheran Schools has the opportunity to host up to five international students from countries all over the world for the upcoming school year! Illinois Lutheran has educated and welcomed students from China, Japan and Vietnam. Now, ILS has the opportunity to reach students from other countries as well!

Do you have a heart for teens? Do you have an extra bedroom in your home? Do you have access to/from Illinois Lutheran? If so, please consider hosting an international student!

Students who travel to the US and attend Illinois Lutheran will need a host and home in which to live and grow for one school year. We ask that a host provides meals, transportation to and from school (or live within walking distance to school), a separate bedroom and access to a bathroom. A stipend will be provided!

ILS can only continue the international program if we have local friends and families that are willing to share their home with these students. Imagine the impact you can make sharing your home, community and daily life with an impressionable teen who is across the world from everything they know and love!

Please call Illinois Lutheran Schools at 708-672-3262 or email Taryn Oldenburg at toldenburg@illinoislutheran.org, if you have questions or are interested in providing a positive, accepting environment to an international student. We look forward to hearing from you!